Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Punchliners :: Quiz # 10

Here we have a mixed bag for a change. Given below are 9 taglines or ad slogans floating on the television and newspapers on a daily basis. Figure them out. (TV viewing will be more helpful than googling on the net.)

1. Make Every Day Exciting

2. Keep Discovering

3. Hum Hain Na !!!

4. SURPRISINGLY ___________….( Fill up the name of the brand)

5. Shop. Eat. Celebrate.

6. Gain from our Perspective

7. News you can Use.

8. All you Desire.

9. We know your game.

For recording your responses, kindly hit the reply button on this mail and do not change the subject. Answers in a week's time. Answers, Comments, Suggestions and Feedback to

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