Friday, November 25, 2005

Answers Quiz # 11

Here are the answers for this edition
Punchliners :: Quiz # 11 Answers

1. LG

2. Price Waterhouse Coopers

3. Unilever

4. Wikipedia

5. Adobe

6. McDonalds

7. Computer Associate

8. Computer Sciences Corporation

9. Sony Entertainment Television


1. Three people scored full in this edition of quiz. Kudos to them.

2. The logo of CA has undergone a change and now the company is called as only CA and not as Computer Associate. This piece of knowledge was provided by amit bhatnagar, an employee of CA and one of the regular quizzer of this series. The logo has also underwent a change. It is attached with this mail. Thanks Amit for the info.

3. Most of the people answered the last logo as SONY. Sony has a different logo altogether. The correct answer is Sony Entertainment Television.

4. The logo of Unilever has also undergone a change. The new logo can be spotted at the website of the organization.

The Winner for this edition is Mr. AKSHAY KHANNA CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Rahul Adwani said...

May i know the difference between Tagline of a company and Punchline of that Company