Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Answers Quiz # 6

Here are the Answers for the Punchliners Quiz # 6.

Answers Punchliners # 6

1. Sun Microsystems; The Network is the Computer

2. Ernst and Young; Quality in Everything we Do

3. Barclays; Fluent in Finance; Its our business to know your business

4. Standard Chartered Bank; Your Right Partner

5. CNBC or NBC; Profit from it or Must See TV

6. Microsoft Office 2003; Microsoft Office has Evolved. Have You? Better, faster, and newer

7. AT&T; The World's Networking Company

8. Monster.com; Never Settle

9. Texas Instruments; Technology for Innovators.


1. Question no 5 is the logo for both CNBC and NBC. Hence both are taken as right answers and respective taglines have been provided.
2. Ernst and Young had "From Thought to Finish" as their earlier tagline. Currently they have "Quality in Everything We do".

Congratulations to SANTOSH A CHACHADI !!!!! A Regular quizzer of this series.

Good Attempts by Gade Ramakanth and Vikram Trai.

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